Critique of the Theory of Parallel Universes

Science is the name given to all our imaginations that can be transformed into mathematical equations and are thus susceptible to being true or false. This is the beauty of science that it has given the wildest imaginations of mankind an acceptable and even respected forum for discussion. One such theory that springs out from... Continue Reading →

Einstein’s Masterpiece: Relativity

It is my birthday today, and I am extremely happy. I am happy not because it’s my birthday. Birthdays come and go each year. There is nothing new in them. My state of happiness is because of the insight I have acquired in Einstein’s theory of relativity. Relativity introduces us to the relativistic nature of... Continue Reading →

Stop The Porn!

College students and young employees display their new found pride in supporting homosexuality and pornography as if they are natural part of human behaviour. With the banning of porn sites in India, Social networks were full with articles and personal opinions until the government changed its stance and made the porn sites live again, keeping... Continue Reading →

The Universal Theory of Climatic Change

After observing the temperature changes in the recent past as compared to seasonal patterns of my childhood I came across an interesting hypothesis that led me into believing that the climatic change in the world may be a universal phenomenon resulting from the change in axis of a heavenly body or its land mass. I... Continue Reading →

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